National MBE Certification
Many State, Cities, and Counties, along with Publicly Traded companies with Supplier Diversity Requirements and/or Supplier Diversity Goals may prioritize MBE Certified Companies or even have a stated Goal for Supplier Diversity.
Hi, I'm Paul! (About Me)
Since 2011, HIT Executive Consulting has worked with hundreds of Companies specializing in Business Certifications (including DBE, MBE, WBE Certification), Business Assessments, Executive Mentorship, Business Services, Company Valuations and assisting companies with the Business Certification Process. More than 900 Certifications later, HIT Executive Consulting is a recognized leader in assisting companies with Certifications.
Successful Application Process in 90 Days
But First, Check If You Qualify!

Client Testimonials

Free Peek at Module 1: Certification Walkthrough
- Types of Certification
- Which is the Right Certification
- Review the Requirements
- Certification Integrity
- Next Steps
Current Certification Clients

* HIT Executive Consulting is not affiliated with the WBENC, NWBOC, NMSDC, USWCC, NGLCC, DOT or any other third party certifier. For Certifications, we only work with businesses with qualified individuals who are 51% owners, manage, and control their company, or are in the process of meeting the minimum criteria. Qualification for one Certification does not necessarily mean an individual will qualify for other Certifications. The quiz and products provided do not guarantee certification; successful certification depends on governing body processing the certification. Qualifying as a qualified individual does not guarantee approval as there is much more to the process. Please contact us for more details.
*Investment in your no obligation consultation will be applied to any package you choose moving forward within 30-days of your conversation
The results of the Quiz, Consultation or Certification Application are provided for informational purposes only and do not guarantee certification. The final determination of certification eligibility and approval is made solely by the Governing Body responsible for reviewing and processing of the certification application.